Network Marketing Business is growing every day and so is the demand for its management software as well. The major reason for the growth is maybe that more and more people are looking forward to joining this business as an option of side income.
To manage this online network marketing business we have the perfect Network marketing management software that helps you to manage and promote at the same time. When it comes to Network Marketing Management Software we make 100% sure about the points like Multi-currency, Multi-Language, Ewallet, Autoship, Social network Management.
We have designed over 100 test cases that our internet marketing software has to pass before any deployment. Apart from this our network marketing software comes up with a free demo or you can check on the reviews on the software.
1) Simple and User-friendly User Interface:- We have a pretty much simple user interface for our network marketing software so that you can manage it easily.
2) Different access for different users:- There is always different access for different role-playing like admin, manager, and users.
3) Multi-Language :- Our software comes with multi-language options.
4) Multi-Currency: - This is another key option that comes with our software.
5) Admin Back office:- Our Admin back office covers all the major features like E-Wallet, E-Pin, Autoship, Backup (Imp/Exp), Business Summary (ERP/MIS), Employee Management, Franchisee Management, Operator Management, Admin Management, Inventory Management, and many other features that can help you in managemetn and you can get a free back office mlm software demo now.
6) Communication Features:- This is another major feature that comes with communication like News, Contact Us, Internal Message, Transaction SMS, Achiever List, Email, Shortcode, Bulk SMS, Support Tickets and so on.
7) User Reports :- View detailed user access information to the platform with dates, times, sections visited and functions performed.
8) Payment Gateways :- We cover about 4 payment gateways for the proper transaction.
9) Account Overview :- In this section, you can view all your account activity and sort them according to your needs. It’s very much user-friendly but in case you need us to customize us then we can do that as well for you.
You can easily manage your Downline as you need to assign commissions to your chain. It developed in such a way that you can manage the deep level as more than 15 levels in your structure.
It’s also helped some time to increase the team value among the members as it totally depends upon how they are using it.
The above mentioned advantages of our Binary plan software can easily clear all the doubts in your mind. Our solutions for binary software plans come with the best price that will suit your pocket. Having a Binary MLM Software has an endless advantage so we most of the time suggest newbie MLM Companies to start this sort of MLM Business. You can always feel free to our Free Live Binary MLM Software Demo Program where one of our Tech Support representatives will guide and help you with all your queries.